
The 'Big Shoulders' That Build the New York City Skyline (The New York Times, Paywall)

Have you ever wondered about the men and women who spend their days building and maintaining the skyscrapers that make New York City's famous skyline? The New York Times did. In a beautiful photo essay, the newspaper meets the union members who build the city, from lather Jonathan Schulterbrandt to plumber Myriam Giraldo and many others.

Schulterbrandt describes his days working on 3 World Trade Center:

You never realize how cold and windy it gets up here. Or how strong the sun gets in summer. It’s us against the elements. I never get tired of looking, though. My favorite view is toward the south and east. You see the beautiful curvature of the Verrazano Bridge.

Meet the rest of the working people in the Times profile.